Cómo aprender español...a secret...
Make it F U N ! ! !
How do you make it fun?
Well, finding the right balance. Not too easy, not too hard, and getting the right support.
Do you like a challenge? I do!
What do you enjoy learning about? Why not learn about that in Spanish?
What is your motivation?
Remember how children learn... be curious. Little by little.
Don't worry about trying to understand everything. This will come with time and practice.
How fast do you want to learn? This depends on how much time you invest into your learning. But start by trying to surround yourself with as much Spanish as possible in ways that you enjoy.
Getting started with the basics...
Here is a great alphabet song: Learn Spanish alphabet and vowels with BASHO & FRIENDS
See my blog: El Alfabeto
Initial sounds of Spanish: Estrellita Sonidos Iniciales
See list of words below (end of blog).

Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Peru. It was amazing! Soooo beautiful and the people were so kind. I visited Cusco, hiked Rainbow Mountain and did the 5-day Salkantay trek to Machu Picchu. I also got to attend a Christian Surfer's conference in Lima. Now I miss my new Peruvian friends. I thank God for this special time!
[Hace poco tuve la oportunidad de viajar a Perú. Fue increíble. Tan bonito y la gente tan amable. Visité Cusco, hice senderismo por la Montaña de Siete Colores (Vinicunca) y la caminata de 5 días por el Salkantay hasta Machu Picchu. También pude asistir a una conferencia de Christian Surfers en Lima. Ahora extraño a mis nuevos amigos peruanos. Doy gracias a Dios por este tiempo tan especial.]
Of course I would love to hear from you if you are looking for a Spanish teacher.
Enjoy the journey! ¡Disfruta del viaje!
Palabras de los sonidos iniciales:
o - el oso
a - el avión
i - el imán
u - las uvas
e - la estrella
m - la mano
p - el pez
s - el sombrero
l - la luna
t - la tortuga
d - el dedo
r - el ratón
c - el conejo
c - el cepillo
n - el nido
f - el foco
b - la bandera
j - la jirafa
g - el gato
g - el gemelo
ch - el chile
ñ - el ñandú
v - la vaca
ll - la llave
qu - el queso
z - el zapato
h - la hoja
y - el yoyó
x - el xilófono
k - el koala
w - Washington